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Upper KS2

Welcome to Upper Keystage 2 - below are some useful resources to support parents and carers.

Upper Key stage 2 Curriculum Meeting - please find a copy of the presentation shared with all parents in September.

Upper Key stage 2 Long Term Overview - at a glance this lets you see how each subject is mapped out across the year. Each half term there is a different project focus which links the learning together for Science, Geography, History, Art and DT. 

Book List (BL):
To support each project there is a recommended book list. These can be used in a number of ways - further reading opportunities for the children, additional research material, or simply reading for pleasure around the project. One or two specific texts may be used in class throughout the half term project - if so, teachers will let you know in advance.

If you are interested in a general book list for Y5 age children, then we recommend: Best Books for Y5

If you have any queries about Upper Key stage 2, then please contact the teaching team Year 5/6 Teachers

Mrs J Austin

Mrs E Johnson (KS2 Leader)

Mrs B Salter & Mrs K Brant

Mrs S Dawson (Fridays)